Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Mix It Up!

Tuesday October 23rd Hudson is celebrating Mix It Up Day.  Students will mix it up by sitting with different people at lunch and getting to know someone new.  We will also recognize Mix It Up Day by wearing mixed up clothing! If weather permits, we hope to have lunch outside.

 What is Mix It Up at Lunch Day?

Image result for mix it up day imageA national campaign launched by Teaching Tolerance over a decade ago, Mix It Up at Lunch Day encourages students to identify, question, and cross social boundaries.  We ask students to move out of their comfort zones and connect with someone new over lunch.
It’s a simple act with profound implications. Studies have shown that interactions across group lines can help reduce prejudice. When students interact with those who are different from them, biases and misperceptions can fall away.

October Guidance Lessons

In K-2 classrooms, our lessons introduced and reviewed the Zones of Regulation.  We categorized emotions that belong in each zone.  In the blue and green zones we feel in control and in the yellow and red zones we feel out of control.  We emphasized that it is normal to experience different zones at different times.  Next time we meet we will practice strategies for getting into the green zone.  These lessons support our students' emotional and behavioral regulation skills.

In third, fourth, and fifth grades, we  are focusing on creating a positive social environment that fosters kindness, compassion and responsibility.  In fourth and fifth grade, we build students' understanding of relational aggression, develop pro-social behaviors and help create a safe social climate.

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